Español . English


Abril 2014

21.30 h H

Acuchillad+s by Miguel Benlloch

Centro de las artes de Sevilla. Free tickets. Online ticket reservation

Now that both multinationals and developed and emerging states are racing to monopolize land through the purchase or extremely long term leasing of millions of the most fertile hectares in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and now that the growing of agrofuels and energy production is enhanced within the context of a depletion forecast for some of the main energy sources; the displacement of local indigenous communities from those territories has become necessary. Many times, this is achieved through the use of violence: “people don’t leave because there’s violence, but violence is generated so they leave”.

Texts from: Gema Fernández Rodríguez de Liévana et al., ¿Qué hacemos con las fronteras? (“What shall we do with frontiers?”) Akal 2013; and Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine . Penguin Press 2008.

Slashed is an urgent performance art action against the existence of the Melilla border fence and its reinforcement with blades to inflict a greater suffering to the emigrants who try to jump it. Most of them reach this wall after putting their own lives at risk by crossing the Sahara Desert, where they are victims of mafias and the harsh conditions of their journey.

Miguel Benlloch carries out his work together with Joaquín Vázquez and Alicia Pinteño at the cultural production company BNV producciones since 1988. He´s a member of the UNIA (International University of Andalusia) “art and thought” contents team. He has worked in performance art since 1992, year in which he took part in a performance by James Lee Byars. He has shown his work in Spanish art centres and in cities like Santiago (Chile), Mexico City, Geneva, or Havana. Some of his performances are Desidentifícate , 11 de Media , Tránsito , Mapuch Eh¡ , OSMOSIS – MI x TI = ZAJE , Or Wherever Oblivion Lies/ O Donde habite el olvido , Afuera del sexo , 51 genders/ 51 Géneros , Inversión .

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Acuchillad+s by Miguel Benlloch

Centro de las artes de Sevilla. Free tickets. Online ticket reservation

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