Español . English


Abril 2014

17.30 H

The domestic is political. Audiovisual Source Code by Ayşe Akalın

Audiovisual Source Code
Central Theater. Free tickets. Online ticket reservation

Our memories are part of a living archive, we are constantly producing and re-interpreting images, in fact we are built with images. We feel the need of explaining ourselves through audiovisual contents.

A source code is the combination of text which enables a computer to execute a software item. Sharing the source code is the basis of free software. The Audiovisual Source Code sets out from the point of applying this idea to culture, to realize that every cultural issue is produced through different voices in relation to the context where it’s produced. Creativity is often represented as witchcraft in the Western World; The Audiovisual Source Code tries to erase this idea of the artist as an inventor and the Copyright laws that are supported by this idea, as well as the business models produced by the cultural industries. This format lets us rethink culture as an infinite palimpsest, art as a game between different people from different eras, remixing as a cultural system where these processes take place.

The Audiovisual Source Code as a space to play and experiment, as a hybrid frame between a lecture and a screening, and many more things.

The domestic is political

By exposing labour that has long been kept invisible, that is done in hidden spaces and allows money to change hands out of sight; by acknowledging people who are doubly discriminated against because they are women and because they are migrants; by recognising that the domestic is political, we spill a bottle of ink into the channels of invisibility that have allowed money to be construed as the universal measure of all things.

Ayşe Akalın was born in 1975 in İstanbul. She graduated from Boğaziçi University Sociology and Political Science and International Relations departments in 1993. She had her PHD at City University of New York Graduate Center. She is currently a faculty member at Istanbul Technical University Humanities Department. Her work is on International migration, social gender, vulnerable labour and insecurity. She is a member of Migrant Solidarity Network.

The Audiovisual Source Code format is distributed through a Creative Commons BY-SA license and appears from the core of EMBED integrated audiovisual, a community that reflects on the integrated audiovisual.

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