Español . English


Abril 2014

Radical Democracy


Facing the dominant perception of society constituted round statistics, economic indicators and permanent institutional, economic and social crises, Radical Democracy as a project makes space for new ways to understand and perceive Europe from joint citizenry practices, from personal stories, from places traditionally excluded by communication media.

Starting from the acknowledgement that people are names and not numbers, Radical Democracy is a video call that puts the focus on how the constructions of the individual within a collective approach produce new critical points of view, new and more luminous visions of Europe, spaces for a more worthy and healthy life.

[SPANISH PREMIERE] Yo creo ( I Believe ) 5’ Lucas Tello Pérez. Spain 2014

F. Torres thinks things need to change, and he is the guy that the Spanish people need, so he is a candidate running for the European Elections. This video is an intimate portrait of him, of his interests and his fears about the future of Spain and Europe. Having introduced F. Torres, we pose you the question: What is it that you (don’t) like about your politicians in Europe?

[SPANISH PREMIERE] To You 2’50’’ Akile Nazlı Kaya, Tomáš Doruška. Turkey 2014

Nazlı moved to Czech Republic from Turkey in 2005 to study film/animation, met Tomáš there and they have been together since. ’To You’ is their audiovisual letter to their unborn child, posing important questions about the future of their child in connection with the future of Europe: Will European society be more open or more closed; will their child feel at home? In essence they ask the viewers: What do you want Europe to be like in the future?

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